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And Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”


What about fishing?

Fishing is not just a wonderful sport, but an excellent way of life.  Fishermen & women are a unique and special type of people. Fishing helps develop traits that are becoming harder and harder to find in today’s world: patience, perseverance, self-reliance, ingenuity and courage.  It provides the opportunity for family bonding and friendship. Fishing is good for your health as it encourages physical activity, promotes relaxation, and improves your cardiovascular system.  It can help boost your immune system by being out in the fresh air under the sun. And it puts meat on the table and pays the bills for for many around the world.

But there is one thing fishing does not do, and that is address your spiritual security. It gives us no direction concerning eternal life.  It doesn’t answer the question, “If you die today are you going to Heaven or hell?” That can only be answered by one person, the One who promised to make His disciples become fishers of men. And that person is Jesus, the Son God, who died for our sins; and was buried, and rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. And by doing so He made it so we could live forever in Heaven. That is called salvation and receiving salvation is such a simple thing: Believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died for your sins, was buried, and that God raised Jesus from the dead. 

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